Some interesting perspectives! I was just thinking about it and I said to myself, I don't' know of any other replica(not that there isn't one) that actually surpass the performance of the original. That is probably why nobody seems to care if it's a "kit car", because they know it's not a cheap copy, it's a superior recreation! I suppose that would be the case in most antique kits featuring modern tech, but most other replicas I know of are of modern cars. THAT is where the problem comes in. You have a $60,000 kit based of a $20,000 car that is trying to simulate $250,000 of modern technology. I would suspect those kits are not much more than oversized miniature models. They have as much in common with the original as the model on your desk. They just put real car parts in there so you can move it around to show your friends.
Cobra drivers might as well be driving the real thing if only they could DETUNE that engine a bit!