Originally Posted by Flygirl
I feel like, if your head moves back far enough to contact the head rest, your neck would likely already be hard against the rim of the cockpit and it might actually cause your head to pivot backward, making the whiplash worse. But if it were positioned farther forward, that wouldn't be an issue.
The plan is to extend it out to the edge of the rim.
When I'm sitting in the car, the rim is what actually concerns me the most as it's lined up with the middle of my neck. Although I believe your head can hit the rollbar in a rear end collision, it looks like the neck would take a big impact first with the rim. I had an opportunity about a month ago to test out my theory when a woman came to a screeching halt inches from the rear of my car while I was stopped at a light. She was watching another accident that had happened on the other side of the road.