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Steve, I don't think I could swing a new Kirkham under any circumstances short of selling my soul (and maybe not even that, in this down market souls aren't bringing what they used to), but a used Kirkham such as the one I checked out is just at the upper limits of my financial grasp.
I mean, right at the upper limit of my car budget. Honestly, as in, that's all there is and there ain't no more.
But you know about the Search (with a big 'S') and where I'm at.
There is a tradeoff between maxing out the budget (which might raise expectations too high and possibly also create other financial concerns that could offset the thrill of owning the car) and not settling for something that'll not be right for me and make me wish I'd reached just a little higher.
What's odd is, the scale keeps rocking back and forth depending on my mood and the the options available.
Good news is that a big block ERA that's been gently used and is optioned right would be far above satisfactory, and might get me a bit more into the sweet spot of my budget.
Then again, that Kirkham really is superb and I think it must be apparent that I'm smitten.