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10 day forcast looks favorable at this time.
All are Welcome
3rd Annual 2011
Fall Cobra, Classic, Hot Rod Rally Run to:
Gillette Castle and Mohegan Sun For Lunch
November 12, 2011 9am Start.
Sponsored by: the Nevola Family, NeVo A/V Integration Systems, &
NeVo Media Productions: CCCHR
Fund Raiser for My Cousin Megan Who’s living with Cerebral Palsy. Any and all donations will go directly to assist the child.
Rally Point Details:* = Gas all times approx. Times:
A. Rt 42 @ Rte 8 Beacon Falls Tan Blg in lot (exit 23N/24S) 9am
B. *Rt 15N Rest Stop 1st one after Sikorsky Bridge 9:35
C. *Rt 15 N Rest Stop North Haven by exit 63 9:55
D. *Rt 66 Guida's Parking Lot 484 Meriden Rd Middlefield CT 10:30
E. Good Speed Opera House Rear Lot 11:10
F. Gillette Castle Visiting Center Lot 11:30
G. Mohegan Sun atop of RiverView Garage 12:15 pm
H. And anywhere along the way you can join in.
Any and All Donations will be accepted throughout the ride.
Thank you So Much, Gary
These cars are way too cool to keep in the garage.
And, Life is too short to worry about gas milage. So, Lets cruise!! MECOOL: