Originally Posted by mreid
I just went out and checked mine. I was sure the fan and fuel pump must feed through the BATTERY strip in the fuse box which does not go through the ignition switch, but I was wrong. Of the dash switches, only the headlights work without the key on. Both the fuel pump and fan are fed through the RUN or ON position of the ignition switch to the IGNITION strip in the fuse box, through their respective fuses and to the relay (as are the wipers). That said, I'm sure the harness manufacturer wouldn't wire it this way if it was a problem and I haven't heard of any other Kirkham owners having a problem.
As for Fast 5, I had to go to RCR's site to check and I think it is. They bought my car for the beauty shots and it is used in the close ups, particularly when they disassemble and then reassemble the car looking for the chip (not that cheesy radio shot, if you look closely you can tell that is not the car and edited pretty poorly). They also bought 3 or 4 mules from Fran for destruction, camera mock ups, and distance shots. You can tell in the movie when it is my car in several scenes where the black Gurney Weslake valve covers, aluminum plated dash and labelled switches, passenger side battery cutoff switch, and red brake calipers are shown. Here are a couple of pictures you may recognize in the movie (they repainted the car so the camera and crew wouldn't reflect):
Great, thanks Mark, I appreciate. I will wire it up and see what happens, if something goes wrong, I have the winter to fix it
That is really neat about the GT40
I haven't seen the movie yet but I want to check it out even more now. Although your car will probably be second to the awesome acting in that movie