Are any of you pissed off as I am ?
I'm a Husker,...and we'll be playing Penn State this weekend. I hope Joe, his staff and the team will remain strong under the circumstance, and will play as hard as they ever have. My heart goes out to all of them.
I completely disagree with his situation. He is a famous coach, and not in charge of anything outside of his football program. He heard the allegation 2nd hand, he saw nothing himself. When her heard the allegation, he called his first and second line superior and informed them face to face in a meeting. Sense he saw nothing himself, and reported what he heard to his bosses, what else was he expected to do, follow up with his superiors to make sure they did the right thing? Good luck with that. I haven't heard anything,... if any of the University's faculty or Dean, is being blamed or will get fired or pushed into retirement ? If not,...what the hell !!!
Joe said he will retire at the end of the season.
Are any of them backing Joe, hell no,....they want to keep their mouths shut and keep their jobs !
Remember, these people were his bosses !