As you probably know from my other thread my Weber experiments have come to a sudden halt.
The crankshaft could not bear the enormous torsion forces of the snap action acceleration combined with a light flywheel. It broke in half and exploded part of the block.
Yes, the eagle crankshaft has broken just before the second bearing cap at the front and has taken the Pond aluminum block with it, so the engine is now for a general rebuild, well , rather a general replacement.
Will probably go with a new but cast iron block and will try to get a better crankshaft, forged or billet. The steel eagle crankshafts seem to break elswhere also, I have seen other broken ones in the web.
So I am very sad

, but one thing can positively be said about the Webers. They made my engine behave at its best. My last settings were probably the best ones I managed to achieve. Can't wait to have the engine back together and enjoy the brutal response the Webers transmit
