Originally Posted by MaSnaka
DV, Terry,
are you talking about the uppers? lowers? or both? Seems to me if the lowers are not adjustable there is NO WAY to adjust alignment. The uppers only adjust pinion angle. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I think you're right, John.
Here's the way I heard it:
The lower arms set the wheelbase length.
The upper arms set the pinion angle.
The panhard rod sets the left-right positioning.
Should be easy with modern alignment shop equipment, I'd think.
My bars have locknuts on both ends, too....loosen them and then turn the center section to make your changes. Don't forget to tighten them back up, though. The last time I was under the Cobra I had probably put 500 miles on the new bushings, so I checked the locknuts and found two that were loose. I don't know how much spontaneous rotation there might be, but at any rate it can't be good.
There is a member here who has offered to help me if I need help adjusting mine, so if you're hung up by something let me know and I'll run it by him.