Originally Posted by computerworks
Poor Jeffy doth protest too much.
One difference is that when you knock on 2009 it goes thunk-thunk and 2131 goes snick-snick.
There is also a slip of paper that goes with 2009 that justifies at least half of the asking price.
What you seem to miss is that one can restore a car to please oneself and not the spectators. The current owner never meant to restore in as-raced form... just to restore to have a driver that could vintage race. That's what pleased him.
Comp 2000's in any form will always command good dollars...team and factory cars will always command top dollar, in any form.
It's a nice car....that really doesn't need "detail denigration"
"Doth protest too much"??? Wow, you really put me in my place... Are you a member of Mensa or something???
I kind of like my exhaust note:
Start up of ERA 289FIA December 15, 2010 - YouTube
As I understand it, that isn't even the original chassis in whatever that is: it's a "replacement". Are there
any pieces from the original car in that thing? There certainly don't appear to be, either original, restored or recreated. It is just a fantasy. That's worth a $1mm??? OK. It's a free country.