Venom, from what you've written, it seems that you are at the very beginning of your quest to own (or build) a Cobra replica. This is fine, and you've come to the right place as the people here can be very helpful.
My advice to you at this stage is simple:
Take your time and do your homework. Cars like this costs a lot of $$ and the landscape is a bit complicated.
To begin with, get familiar with some of the better Cobra kit makers and their relative advantages. Decide which one(s) best fit your "dream Cobra." And find out about the company's history/reputation for customer service.
Next, figure out if you really wanna build a car, or if you're better off buying one second hand. Odds are that you can buy a second-hand car for much less than what it will cost to build one (or commission a new one). There are plenty of nice cars for sale in Canada in the $40-60K range, including a
couple of cars listed on Cobra Country. Sign up for Curt's "Canadian Cobra alerts," it's free.
Investigate your insurance options in Alberta before you buy. Here in Ontario, a home-built Cobra replica is
incredibly hard (and expensive) to insure. Not much sense buying a car like this, only to find out you can't afford to insure it later.
If you decide to import a Cobra, assembled or unassembled, you will have to understand the complicated rules, regulations and laws beforehand. Otherwise you risk having the car seized at the border. Not fun.
If you decide to build your own car, you'll also have to understand the provincial rules, regs and laws regarding kit car registration. Plenty of guys have gone before you, so it can be done, but you need to know what's required. You'll also need to have the time and money to finance and complete the build.
Gotta go, but drop me a PM with your email address and I can send you some additional info.