Originally Posted by mikiec
We could send him out the I-10 to the Wickenburg turn off that is approx 60 klicks from California.
Dan said just go north on 303
Karl said he though the road number was 60
Don said 60 will take you to 303 and 303 will drop into 60 and head points west to a McDonalds.
Mikie said I should go west on I10 to Wickenburg turnoff near California
So not to put a fine point on this but I'm guessing this is turning into a pig circus with a bunch of growed up guys blazing up and down the freeways looking for a hill called Yarnell that is near a place called Wickenburg. So howindahell didja all find yer ways to Laughlin, did Danr have GPS in his Chebby Orange Cobra, with a big sign that said "follow me"??

Can somebody take a leadership role in this and send me a map, oh and not to make this anymore corn-fuze-ing than it already is, how many McDonalds are there along the way to Wickenburg?
I am beginning to wonder about you guys, well, not Ralphie of course he's a black ops guy and looks like a stud in his Polo Ralph Loren "stained" headgear, despite his mean look while holding a knife in his mouth. I do wonder however what he did with the dildo, that was not a standard field issue weapon in Nam but, err, hmm, well maybe it was standard for interogations in Manilla.