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I'm still doing the wiring. I have lots of diagrams and notes, so everything will be well documented when finished. I did my own harness for a few reasons.
I originally intended to mount the computer in the same place as the old one, and then adapt the harness to the new computer. After carefull consideration, I decided to just start from scratch and build a whole new one. Turned out to be easier, and have a better harness.
I wanted a couple of custom touches to the harness. I put Weatherpack connecters in strategic spots to make maintenance easier. I overhaul the engine every two years, more often if I break something.
And I wanted to hardwire a tap for the LM-1. I plan to use the wide band for a while until everything is tuned well. Then I'll switch to a narrow band for daily driving. I'll probably use closed loop for the track, as I have some leaded fuel to burn up.
I had the old computer on the top of the passenger foot box, on the inside. The ignition box was behind the dash. Since I was combining the two boxes, I decided to put the MS behind the dash. That eliminates the bulk head connecter altogether.
Oddly enough, I couldn't find the proper pigtails for the coolant sensor and air temp sensor at any of the parts stores in town; not even at NAPA! So I ordered them from Summit along with a couple of other things I needed.
The other thing I couldn't find was the braided nylon wire protecters. The corrugated and spiral type are everywhere, but the braided ones are not available. I ordered that from Summit, too.
.boB "Iron Man"
NASA Rocky Mountain TTU #42
BDR #1642 - Supercharged Coyote, 6 speed Auto