No, I did not abandon this project!!
Just have not had time to post lately. Here goes!
Fabbed up from scratch new top and front cross members to mount the Jag IRS. This also involved painfully stringing out the car to make sure it would align properly and also have the correct 90 wheel base. I have done most of this work with a dewalt angle grinder with a cutting wheel installed. It slipped out of my hands while making the new cross member and almost removed all of my internal organs. Thank God for the heavy welding shirt I was wearing. Note to self, cut with the flow of the wheel not against it.
I mocked up a test fit prior to the final welding using the unpainted dirty rear end and some old aldans shocks on one side.. Tires fit nicely and rear is centered in car with about 1/16 toe in on either side! I adjusted toe using some GM starter shims between the fulcrum arm supports and diff. The starter shims worked perfectly.
If you look closely in the last pic you can see the mickmate OEM spec rollbar lurking in the background.. Schweeeeeeeett!