Might be a bit of confusion here, and undue alarm, with all this orange business.
The seals that Ford sell in the FMS catalogue are the nitrile rubber ones with a flat retaining spring on the guide as yours but an external helical wound spring on the valve bit, just like the internal spring in a conventional seal.
They come in black for intake and orange for exhaust but if you get them on their assembled heads they all seem to be orange. They work OK.
What YOU seem to have are the latest hard plastic "Ultimate Duty " seals marketed by somebody called Valve Train Only ( VTO ) ! and sold by Howards Cams # 93315, intestingly both from Oshkosh WI...Hmmm.
They are colour coded for size and the ones for 11/32 valves ( yours ) are......Orange. They do not have a top circlip as the ones in your photo
Amongst the claims they make apart from the usual "space age" nonsense, is one that they are "self lubricating" quite why you would want something self lubricating when they are permanently covered in
oil escapes me.
Also the "Design allows small amount of
oil for guide lube " ! How much is "small " and does small get big when dealing with the massive vacuum from a 427W
Apparently they are installed with finger pressure only BUT they have to be glued / sealed onto the guide with an enclosed sachet of glue, if you think you had these hard plastic seals, were they glued in place ?
Interestingly, in spite of all the marvelous qualities they claim to have they sell for about half the price of the white Perfect Circle seals you have replaced them with. Very strange.