I had a name change yesterday, I became known as Davidicus Boxyopolous.
Now please excuse the mess, but I have just moved stuff "out of the way" to get the job done.
The time had come to concrete the "gap" between old and new sheds, I also had to remove the centre support from old shed (had put two extras on teh sides).
Then clean up the area to concrete, add plastic and reo mesh, also placed the bolts in the ground to secure the new supports.
Then I started mixing and pouring concrete.
Then I went over it with a broom about 4 hours later, pobably should hae waited another hour or so.
The finish is not as nice as the new shed, but beter than the old shed.
It was a 5.30am start, and all was done and cleaned up by 10am.
there was 280 shovel loads of agg mix and 260kg of cement powder into that floor.
And it was warm, after a shower I ducked into town.