Originally Posted by Dimis
Theory of Progression - See Rod Knock's explanation above.
I did... does not work real well!
No... Not quite! This would only be the case if ERA002 was desired, & that may be the case in time if ever the boys in New Britain ever closed their doors, but unlikely otherwise.
I would assume that used Factory Five cars being a dime a dozen would not improve in price, regardless of any progression in other makes.
What makes and ERA or Factory Five not desirable???? They are all still limited production cars. You are assuming an exclusivity to a Kirkham?
Yes, that's true, but watch how the used Kirkhams will follow up in price, because ultimately a Kirkham new or used is a desired commodity.
Economics 101 - Supply (Kirkham - limited) versus Demand (desire to own - high)... 
Please retake your economics course.
Demand refers to the amount of goods and services that buyers are willing to purchase. More often then not as price goes up demand goes down! Supply refers to the amount of goods and services that sellers are willing to sell. Here the opposite occurs of demand. When supply will usually increase with an increase in price.