Originally Posted by uXcoOl
Someone could explain me in simple words what that means?
-Turner Gas Flowed heads
-Fully rose jointed and adjustable 5 link rear axle
-Custom Pedal box with un-servo’d brakes
-Dropped floor pan
thank you! :-)
Hi, and welcome! Very nice Cobra and congratulations!
Hopefully this will be of some help:
Gas flowed heads - cylinder heads that have been machined and checked for optimum breathing.
Fully rose jointed and adjustable 5-link rear axle - Here is a photo of a "rose joint" They allow the suspension links to be increased/decreased in length and allow the links to be located in a non-compliant, yet freely-rotating manner.
Custom Pedal Box with un-servo'd brakes - these brakes do not have vacuum assist and are manual.
Dropped Floor Pan - this a lowered section of the floor pan allowing for additional room in the area of your feet as shown here:
dropped floor pans | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Hope this helps!
- Allen.