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SPF Owners. Check Your Throttle Linkage!
I have been driving my car for the past two years and have never felt the need for more power. Until lately! The other day I started playing around with the throttle linkage because my pedal didn't have a lot of travel.
I had my wife sit in the driver's seat and push the pedal to the floor and guess what? I still needed about an inch of throttle movement to fully open the secondaries on my carb. I have been driving all this time with a max of 3/4 throttle. And I never missed it!
So, I adjusted the rods and throttle stop to give me all the carb had and went for a test drive. I think I found another herd of horses that had been hiding in my trunk.
My thought is that the installer in Costa Mesa sets them up that way to keep some of us from accessing all the power our engines have and killing ourselves. If we never check then we obviously feel we have enough.
Just a suggestion for all you guys to check and see that you get full throttle when you floor the pedal. Mine was way off.