You seem to write authoritatively about both manufacturers. Now David has not participated here nor a current Shelby member, but you have provided detailed information of the sort I would expect from them. You have generously provided a wealth of reference photos with comment about all of them.
My simple question is, what is the source of your apparent wealth of knowledge? In no way am I questioning the veracity of your comments.
Indeed, I applaud them and appreciate your sharing such detailed information. I'm just trying to assess the accuracy and some 'credential' would help to do that. Other than as Jamo stated, you have been a serious 'shopper' there is no gauge by your presence here of your experience. Other than a gallery full of SAAC event attendance.
My question is NOT an attempt to discredit nor in any other way cast a negative take on your information.
Just like to gauge how accurate the source might be given the absence of the company participants.
