Originally Posted by Gav
It is worth well more than 32k, but my comments are directed at how it was being run down by you guys.
I don't know the owner, but I think there are scruffier ones out there....
Gav, certainly was not putting it down at all, and after speaking with the vendor I am likely to have a crack at it. There may be some over heating issues that will require resolution and a few other things as well, but certainly what I am after.
I can still have a bit of a play without the drama of building an entire NSW compliant 2012 car. That engine bay needs some work and LPG injection will be a must me thinks. Greg - byroncobra - has been good enough to organize a once over and awaiting feedback I will have a crack at this one for sure...so cheers for that fella and just another great thing about car clubs and the forum.
Thanks Also to DIMIS...I actually had a look and sit in the snake-pit car last weekend and I do not mind it either. The LVPC compliance plate does offer a lot of freedom for enhancement without some of the engineering restrictions on ICV's within this state.
I was a little concerned that the diff is off centre by about an inch or so, so some adjustment and realignment will be required on this car (ie rhs wheel is slightly proud of the guard and an 1cm closer to the front of the rear wheel arch than the LHS that sat an inch or so further in from the guard and had a larger gap to the front of the arch).
The bonnet scoop will also need work and there is alot of tidying and performance enhancement required under the hood.
Has anyone effectively bolted on a roots type SC like a Harrop or Eaton set up, rather than the centrifugal set up onto a ford 5.0 HO engine. If so I would be keen to hear about it too.
Any how we are getting closer to the first goal and I appreciate the finds you guys are posting...
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