Originally Posted by philminotti
I was perusing Cobra Country's website last night, not because I'm buying but because I had nothing better to do...
There is an amazing array of Cobras for sale over there...and some one of a kind machines as well. I saw an ERA with a pristine cammer in it, the only aluminum bodied Superformance in existence, a carbon fiber Exact, several Kirkhams and all manners of FF's, Midstates, Backdrafts et al, many with original sideoilers or well built FEs of all sizes. Like I said, some really unique stuff.
Other than the builder who does what he does, that is builds and sells, why do people get rid of what should be their dream car? Is the idea of a Cobra ultimately more attractive than actually owning and driving one? The economy? Just curious.
As someone who has bought and sold his fair share of Cobra replicas I can tell you some of the top ones I have run in to:
1: They need the money to pay off debts
2: They need the garage space for other projects
3: They purchased and got in over their head, the car now scares them or they thought it would be a more practical car like a late model Corvette
4: Divorce (more times than you would think)
5: (usually mine) Boredom (nothing let to tinker with, usually a great thing for the next owner as all the bugs are worked out). Also as Mark R stated, the seller enjoy the build/tinkering.
6: Kids in school/college (again, happens more than you would think)
7: (another of mine) The grass is always greener syndrome (IE: There is another collector car out there I want more than my current Cobra)
8: Wife does not like the car and won't ride in it
9: Owner had a near miss and wet his/her pants and will never get in it again
10: Wife burned her leg on the side pipe and threaten to leave you the owner unless you sell the car (again, I've bought three cobra replicas due to this very reason).
Each one of us who sells a car (any car) has a reason for it, some times the situation changes and the car is a
must sell, some times it is a
want to sell situation.
Hope this answers some of your question.
Bill S.