Originally Posted by snyderek
Hi, I've been lurking on this site for the past few months, and I thought I'd take the opportunity to introduce myself. In September I bought a five-year-old Superformance Cobra from a private seller in Washington state. Since then, I've experienced both the joy of driving it and the frustration of registering it in the State of California. (I made it through the bureaucracy eventually, and I'd be happy to offer advice to others in the same situation.  ) I've made one significant change to the car since purchasing it, which was having a local mechanic install a fuel injection kit.
I'd be interested in hearing about Cobra events and other classic car events in the Bay Area.
Derek Welcome!!
There are lots of things to do here and quite a few Cobra & SPF owners. We also have an active Shelby club that has a decent amount of events. I would love to meet up and see your car at a breakfast or something. I am in Mountain View as well. Watch the Bay Area Cobra Club forum for breakfast information and feel free to contact myself or any of the locals for any help you may need. Welcome!!