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Old 01-15-2012, 02:44 AM
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If you read past the space aged digital gobbelly gook, the controller is a pulse width modulator that uses the inductance of the motor and a flyback diode. It turns the motor off and on thousands of times per second. The diode prevents the energy in the inductor (the motor in this case) from being wasted as a spark, and the motor sees a reduced voltage, making it run slower. Provided you don't stall the motor, it's harmless and increases the motors life, again, provided you're not running it so slow and bogged down that you're hampering its cooling method.

Thanks, Luce. I will have a chat with my old man about this; he's retired electro- engineering. He actually made me a - what is it called.. a resistor... to make a 2- speed control for the water pump; ignition on the pumpe runs at 1/3 speed, and when water temp reaches some 85 degrees (C) the pump goes on full together with the fans. Works great, so far.

Yup; the downside with the Aeromotive controller is the costs, for sure. One for the fuel, one for the water and one for the fans?

Yeah; been reading the 427 threads & find it strange these "high end" companys deliver parts with this kind of flaws. Although they're giving good customer follow- up on this. It will all end well, I'm sure.

I find using copper gaskets working well for headers. As for exhaust tubing I use clamps only. Used a flanged 3- bolt with copper gasket earlier; ran out of space as they hit the ground & leaked.

Good to hear your harness is coming together, Bob. The EFI- parts for my 347 is to arrive next week. Eager to get it together? Yes. Prepared to take on all the troubles I will meet? Don't think so....
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