I spent most of today setting ride height and getting the front end dialled in.
First I set the ride height. I started with 3 11/16" up front which explains why my 4" low profile floor jack couldn't get under the front crossmember. The rear was at 5 3/4". Specs call for 4.5" up front and 4.75" in the rear. I got the front up to 4.5", but ran out of adjustment at 5" for the rear. There's no gas or me in the car, so I left it there for now.
On the front, the upper control arm rod ends were screwed all the way in and my baseline was 1/8" toe out, -3 camber and +3.5 caster on both sides. That's interesting as the caster spec calls for +3.5 which means the frame mounts are set at +3.5 caster. The toe adjusters were screwed all the way in, so there was no way with the baseline setting to get any more toe in.
I started by turning both rod ends on the upper control arms 3 complete turns which got me to -1.25 camber on both sides. This meant that one more complete turn should get me to the spec of -.5, so up the front end went again and 30 minutes later, I was ready for another check. I set up the alignment jig (the aluminum pieces are how I measure toe):
This time my camber came in right at -.5 degrees on both wheels (scale on the left side):
To get caster, you turn the wheel out 15 degrees, zero the level, turn the wheel the other way to 15 degrees, and read the result. Caster on both wheels is equal at +3.5 degrees (scale on the right side):
Now I went back and measured my toe. It was now toed in by almost 1/2". Also, the steering wheel was not perfectly centered when the wheels were centered. I centered the wheel, checked the distance from the rear of each wheel to the frame and there was 1/4" difference with the wheels offset slightly to the left. My aluminum jigs are 24" each and centered on the wheel 4" above the floor. I adjusted the left wheel about 1/2 turn out and the right wheel 4 turns out. Checked it again, one more slight adjustment, and I ended up with 63 1/2" distance at the rear and 63 3/8" at the front with the steering wheel centered and the rear of both tires equal distance from the frame rails for a toe in of 1/8" at 24". Right on spec.
Tommorrow the rear wheels get the same treatment and then it is supposed to be 50 degrees on Monday, so road test! This should get me really close. The last two cars I've aligned this way were almost perfect.