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These cars are like high powered rifles and pistols, or like sailing a 32 ft boat across the ocean.
High powered guns require respect and a full knowledge of them.
The ocean requires respect and a full knowledge of it, and full knowledge of your boat what it can do and what it cannot. Also knowledge of how to sail in all types of weather. Without this knowledge, the boat and the ocean working together will flat out kill you.
Same with your Cobra. The Cobra, if not respected, and full knowledge of the car is not known, it will kill you.
However, if the above is applied, the car becomes a joy, and can provide fun for years to come.
Same is true for pistols and sailboats Sailboats on a treacherous ocean, without respect and knowledge of them, can be a hazard.
Drive your Cobra with respect for its capabilities, and make sure the car is safe to drive mechanically. Then and only then, you will have a good time.
Last edited by Muldoon; 01-22-2012 at 03:39 PM..