Hi Folks, We, my sons & I are new to the Forum and to building an AC Cobra. We have chosen a DRB Boss Cobra to have Jag Suspension, Boss 260/290 & 6spd Manual most likely from a donor car if we can find the right one. We plan do everything we can ourselves perhaps foolishly but with passion. We have lots of questions but have 3 to start and a general request so I'll split them up and look forward your suggestions.
1st Question
Jag Rear End is a quandary in that it seems most owners shorten the XJ6/12 Arms and Axles (by 65mm per side) to get a desired offset and dish on the wheels. We have seen various threads that suggest that an E-Type Series III is narrower (by 101mm overall track) and would not need mods but are rare and hard to find. I wonder whether the age is also an issue and also whether there are other issues like mounting bolt patterns that could cause problems? Any advice would be greatly appreciated on the query and/or where to get one. We have spoken to a couple of Brisbane wreckers and getting the right ratio with an LSD is difficult (make that impossible). We are planning on a 3:54 or perhaps a 3:31 in LSD.
Route 66
Brisbane, Qld