Originally Posted by REPTYL
I think Ben and Phil both have a very good understanding of the politics behind this discussion.
Over the years that Shelbyfest has been running, my one regret as organiser is introducing classes in to that first event. I've been battling hard since the 3rd year to have them removed (guess I don't always get my own way).
Looking back over all those years, it has been the only problem area where we haven't been able make everyone happy.
This post won't make me any friends, but what the hell!!
It sounds to me like you all are trying to find ingeneous solutions to problems that should never exist, only because you are trying to apease a group of egotistical types who don't have the courage to race against real racers, but instead get their rocks off by beating weekend ametures.
I truly feel sorry for both the piss weak clowns who's lives are so empty that winning a plastic trophy means that much to them, for they are truly a sad case, and for you who have to bare it and attempt to pander to them.
I vote no classes!
This isn't primary school were all particpants need an award, nor is it golf and thus no handicap is necessary.
With so many makes, builds & brands drawing a line will only shift the advantage/disadvantage to the next competitor. I say race against your time from last year.
Engine size is nearly irrelevant when you consider that tyres, suspension, and down force will do more for you than cubic inches.
Plus cubic inches is only half the story when it comes to engine performance.