Barry R. I think if you talk to ignition techs they will tell you to avoid mounting a
oil filled coil on it's side and to put it on a non vibrating surface. Some coils have a vent on them. I have had 2 go bad over the years and blown a Accel super coil up. 4 wheeling in Penn. The motorcraft one had burnt coil windings on half the unit that was on the high side of the motor. This coil was laying horizontal. No
oil was cooling the windings and over time it cooked. The standard one for a ford blew the top off and left me on the side of the road in VA. Thanks to some nice people back in the 70's I was able to get a guy to open his auto store and get the part. This coil had a ballast resister fail but the other one just burnt up. I cut it open to see what happen when I had no resistance between terminals. I also know that the
oil can foam inside the coil housing and again smoke the windings. Coil cools off and works great, run for a couple of hours and shut down weak spark. MSD tells not to mount there 8202 coil horizontial for the same issues as above. This makes good sense. This is old school, I have seen coils mount upside down, for what reason,UNKNOW. Have a good one. Rick L. Ps talk to you about 8 sleeves, you are right but not recomended unless upper and lower block is solid for 1 1/2". Some machinist also block hard the bottom till it's at the freeze out holes for stablity. Later