Originally Posted by elmariachi
If you look closely you'll see that the pic with the gold magnesium patina also shows a different side pipe. The darker wheels appear in the pics with the black pipes (assumedly later given that the primary pics all show black pipes.) Could it be that the owner actually made changes to the car over time? Or am I the only one that does that?
Hell at that price I want it even without wheels.
According to the ad, the stainless steel exhaust headers are included (extra) in the price, which means to me, that the pics with the stainless steel headers were taken some time back. The current pics ought to be the ones with the black pipes.
And as we know, magnesium wheels require maintenance. And I'm sure every magnesium wheel, after polishing, may look a tad different and will not age uniformly.
All this talk of magnesium wheels has brought tears to my eyes.