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Old 03-06-2012, 09:28 AM
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Jerry Clayton Jerry Clayton is offline
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First off----what defines a lower level of involvement when someone wants 600 hp in a lightweight 90 inch car??In case you haven't ever heard, these cars had the quickest accelerate /brake 0-100-0 out there--

It is totally insane that someone would want a 600 hp dyno sheet but wouldn't think they need to balance there car out , not fot the highest level of performance, but just to have a preditable and concsistant level of response for any driving manuever that resulted from even the slightest to most extreme movement of any pedal or steering wheel or gearshift.

Your own deal is a glaring example of a very minor nature all the way up to those that have lost their lives----

Other responses clearly state examples of erratic handling and I have also received several emails requesting info as these people want a straight answer about basic handling pricipals and needed corrections without going thru the drivel that guys like you put out on the forum---

I asked ScottJ to respond to this corner weight issue as I believe he is probably the very best one on here(or anywhere else) to clearly guy guys thru this process--
My main thing has been drag racing altho I have been deeply involved in earlier circle track up to stock block IRL cars--and one thing that is a very necessary thing is for the car to be predictable to any instant reflex action taken by a driver as a primary move or a defensive/recover action--sometimes both feet in doesn't get you out of a hell hole

Isn't a Poser and a replica about the same thing???
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