About these 'Gasholes'...I know you've read their miscellaneous posts regarding their opposition to "Club Cranky". Since I've never 'officially' been to a Club Cranky soiree, but profess to be the 'Southern Contingent' of Club Cranky, I'm wondering about my qualifications as a potential 'Gashole'.
From what I understand about each, I could qualify for either, depending on the surroundings. My wife, God love her (someone needs to), says I could be a charter member 'Gashole'. All I need are a couple beers, some onion rings, maybe some hard boiled eggs (just for resonance, you understand), and I could fumigate most of New Jersey...no offense meant, JohnnyMac....
Right on the other hand, from time to time my alter ego, Raoul Yerkson, has emerged while under the influence of mind altering liquid substances. During these episodic excursions I claim to have no recollection of past or present escapades, and will refudiate all claims made against me, or my family - specifically those that reference compensatory damages, or those that involve any sort of legal representation. In other words, if it involves money or attorneys, I'm not responsible for my actions and cannot be held liable, or in contempt, for that matter.
So, once again, I'm in a quandry....am I a Gashole, or a Cranky-ite? Alas, only time and alcohol will tell....