I actually installed the engine myself, so taking it out isn't much of a problem. Have an engine leveler, as well as a lift plate from Tim (above). Knowing me, though, with it out I'd talk myself into completely tearing it down...
This whole train of thought came about in that I was under my Cobra and I found a cracked motor mount will I was under there. I have to lift the engine to replace that. While I am lifting it, pull it out. Before too long I was changing the heads and replacing the pistons and...and.. and...
You all know how this happens.
Anyhow, back to tech talk:
When installing my distributor, the top of the
oil pump shaft is flat, and the shape hexagonal. The shaft would rest against the side of the hole, without any room for the shaft of the distributor to slip in, even when jiggled around. I messed with it f-o-r-e-v-e-r, then jacked my Cobra up in the rear right until the
oil pump shaft dangled precariously in the center, and dropped in my distributor. Bingo.
But, see? Now I need to buy a new
oil pump shaft to replace the one that is so difficult to center. So, I might as well get an HV oil pump and add that remote oil filter! And while I do that...
Thanks for the tip on Power House tools video. I looked up "Ford 302 ring job" and found some pretty hokey videos that didn't inspire confidence. I'll check out Power House.