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Rollbars & More
Hello fellow Cobra owners.
I found this thread and ended up reading the wh.....oo....ll...e thing. If not for that, I would not be responding, and I pretty much stay on the side-lines these days, but I found that too much emotion and not enough realistic elaboration took over this topic. I have Backdraft #385 and I ordered it from the Boynton Beach Factory with 2 Rollbars...Right from the start. The extra was for my wife, but it later turned out that it didn't really help, as she died from a Brain Tumor shortly after anyway. Certainly an Irony to this discussion, and maybe this is a good reason to start my opinion.
Soo..., In my opinion, and I do not want to Flame any previous posters, but I can tell you that what you want your Cobra to look like is your domain. If you want 0,1,or 2 Rollbars is totally up to what works for you. Other posters have explained the advantages of more than one. You all have to understand that we all have Custom Cobras, and none of ours are original...In fact probably all Cobras today are much better than the Original, and I can testify that Backdrafts are very refined race cars as are many other replicas. If someone asks you if it is Real, you simply need to respond that it is light-years better than an Original.
I'm going to cut this off short in order to not bore you, but if all of you guys are worried about "Original" look, then hide your suspension, it's not likely original, and those of you with those beautiful Raush Engines....Hide them...Leave your hoods shut at the shows, because they were not available or stock back in the 60's. Our 17" Wheels on our Backdrafts were not original, but Oh, how well these cars handle with these improvements.
To sum up,
Take pride in your Cobra because it is Custom, it is yours, and it is what you desire in a Cobra, and it is a whole lot better than what they used to be.
Hail to the Cobra for making us all so proud to own one today, and for helping us all to respect every version you see today. These are all truly Awesome examples and continue to draw attention at Car Shows (Because most people at shows do not even know how many "Rollbars" the cobra had back in 1966)
Last edited by Motivator-1; 03-24-2012 at 08:15 PM..