Originally Posted by Silversmith
Interesting Chas M8, but I have no pvc set up. My carb has mechanical secondaries, as does my distributor's advance. I have no need of a pvc valve.
You're not understanding. If your baseplate has no fitting then find a safe spot on the intake just under the carb seat (generally at the rear of the carb) and drill and tap for one. Use my suggested parts and a short hose and you're done. You most certainly do need PCV. Do a leak down test and see percentage of combustion blowing past the rings and pressurizing the crank case.
I have no vac advance dizzy and carb secondary vac comes higher up above the baseplate.
All that open breather area is not doing what you need. At one time, I had four open breathers at once and still had mist and drips from pan to valve covers.
This is the fix I've needed all along.