wrench87 You see the problem with the teeth issue and can fix this. My understanding is that the starter drive doesn't retract? If you push on the nose, does it? You have have the power to it setup wrong. There should be a short wire coming off the starter soleniod. This bolts to the main stud for the battery cable that comes from the starter soleniod on the fire wall. If you have battery power going to the soleniod the drive will stay out and not retract. If you have a test light just check with the battery hooked up to the starter for no power going to the soleniod. This should fix the starter issue. Rick L. PS Wrench87 unless you have the
oil pump hooked up and distrubutor in this motor,
OIL AND FILTER IN THE MOTOR, DON'T CRANK IT WITH THE STARTER. You will wipe off the prelube and cause a dry start condition. Doesn't matter weather the plugs are in or out of the heads. Please don't do this. Rick L.