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Correct, Bob, the ammeter was pegged at zero with or without the headlights on before I installed the lights (which actually LOOK pretty cool). However, now if I merely turn on my headlights the ammeter goes slightly negative (to an obvious degree). I have yet to disconnect the PIAA harness to see if the problem persists.
Ah, I just recalled! I forgot about this: the turn signals had stopped working just prior to the PIAA installation. Hhmmm...
Any advice on the wiring? My relay control line I've wired to the brights side of fuse #7; the power source line I've wired to the +battery cable, at the solenoid. The power line has it's own inline fuse. I am wondering if the PIAA relay has gone bad and is drawing more current in either it's on or off state?
The dims, brights and the driving lights all work correctly, but the driving lights are not as bright as I anticipated. And, of course, there is that little battery discharge problem...
Dangerous Doug
"You're kidding, right?"
Last edited by Dangerous Doug; 04-04-2012 at 10:27 AM..
Reason: iPhone typing skills...