Originally Posted by GordsFord
Quote from twobjshelbys
"One thing the fuel injection does though is put a pretty hard limit on the top RPM. Mine is 6500, but the engine ought to be capable of doing something like 8000 with a good carb setup. My engine is a Roush 427IR Windsor based."
Why do you say that the fuel injection puts a pretty hard limit on the top RPM at 6500? I am planning to put the 8 Stack Injection (Classic) units on a 427 Windsor solid roller cam engine that I expect will easily rev to the 7500 rpm + range. Does anyone have comments on this?
I have NEVER been limited to RPM's in the 8 years I have been running the TWM stack injection and the Redline ECU! Why would the injection system put a limit on RPM? Wouldn't that fall under the ECU's performance? My engine is a Dave Dralle built all aluminum big block FE. Could there be a difference there maybe?