Hey 750hp,
here is my first run attempt at it. I have made a few assumptions here and there to get things to fit.
Heads - I found some ported from data with as high top numbers and used them for flow rates so I feel this is accurate.
Induction - I am never sure what to put for flow for the EFI manifold so I put 750. I also tried 1000 and it barely budged the graph so 750 does not seem too bad.
Blower - this was tricky since the numbers did not all make sense. If I used 7000 speed, the graph was out of control and almost did not work...it was like a zig zag mess so I think the 7000 is really 70,000. The other numbers seemed ok. The 1500cfm for the blower was disallowed...they will not allow input over 1000 so I was limited.
Cam - I was worried I entered the cam stats wrong since all the data is not here and I had to guess...BUT I double checked by picking 3 cams that were similar and the line barely moved which showed that the entered cam data was fine.
I also tried picking the strongest vortech they had VJ-3 and that dropped about 80HP and 80TQ so I left your parameters as a custom unit.
Here you go...a torque monster
if you need any changes, let me know