Originally Posted by tommcb99
I know, I know...no serial number means just another poster with a fabricated story. All I can tell you is to check out the auction in August. I'm sure this will be the only barn find 289 Cobra in the auction.
Thanks for all the comments and advice. I guess it's now up to the auction house.
Yep, its all up to the auction house. :roll eyes: So she is going to have RM sell the car (which benefits them above all) and miss out on all the private would-be buyers who WON'T buy a car at RM auctions for various reasons (many of which are widely known) but WOULD want a chance at buying that car, possibly for MORE than it would bring at auction. Private transactions on collectible cars always favor the seller.
You came here looking for advice, and now you are going to throw your hands up and not give her the most sound advice, which is to NOT rush that car to auction without first publicizing it broadly in the global Cobra community?