Originally Posted by lovehamr
Tom, though I'd draw well short of calling your family's car BS, that statement about RM makes absolutely no sense. Just think about it a sec because advertising the CSX # is the FIRST thing that RM would do to get the hype going for their auction. The more widely that information is disseminated the more their auction is hyped. Look at any auctioneer’s advertisement when it comes to Shelbys. The CSX # is THE way to start proving the voracity of the car and that voracity is what will drive the price. Anything else is perceived as a smoke screen hiding something. The car would still sell nicely but would not have the feeding frenzy going for it had its provenance been more widely known.
Just my 3 cents man, Steve
Adding to the point Steve is making, RM actually publishes an auction book that has marvelous full color pictures and stories of all the auction cars well in advance of the auction. The distribution is to past, present, and potential future buyers not to mention just plain interested guys like most of us.
This whole secrecy stuff. The idea of the auction house ferreting out your cousin and her contact info. The representation that they contacted her to ask her to put it up for bid at their auction house along with the keep it dirty for more money story is simply not the way thing are done.
There are a few logical possibilities to explain this:
1. Your cousin is being scammed - not good
2. Your cousin is scamming you - not good but not as bad
3. You are scamming us - not as bad as 1 or 2 but the wrong way to start out here.
If it is #1 or #2 above there are many very good and knowledgeable guys on this site for many years that can steer you and your cousin in the right direction. You should give considerable thought to engaging them before it's too late. Should you wait long enough, it becomes a woulda, shoulda, coulda type of deal that you will feel real bad about.
A real good starting point is the CSX # - and a lot sooner rather than later.