Without the driver, this one was just a touch over 700kg (half tank fuel)
He has a new engine and dry sump setup under it, also remapped ecu etc.
I managed some "cleaning time" in the shed on Sunday and Monday, 2 ute loads later (from small shed) and half of it is clean.
Stuff that made it past the "first cull" ended up on work bench, this weekend I hope to go through that stuff and either find a home for it, or bin it.
Also moved cars in and out and lathe etc.
Will measure up for partition wall this weekend as well, Plan is to split the small shed into machine shop and office, office will have permenant room for Cobra storage.
An older pic from before cleaning.
Cruising in 5th
Never be afraid to do something new, Remember, Amateurs built the Ark: Professionals built the Titanic.