Originally Posted by cscobra
Dan - you're front and rear tires appear to be different sizes. Aren't you building the street model?
Your paint job looks great!
Yes and yes - it's a story of compromise. At the time I started Sumburst wheels were basically unobtainium (at least pricewise). The wide-hip street car body with 7-1/2 inch rear SC wheels all around was not my favorite look and Peter discouraging me from going with a widened rear suspension although in hindsight that might have been something I should have done as I would have gained room for the exhaust also. Also, although no stranger to fiberglass work having restored an old Corvette, I wasn't brave or disrespectful enough to start carving up the beautifully done ERA body to create a narrow-hip version. So, I ended up going with the wide-hip Street Cobra approach + day 1 (or day 2) when a lot of early owners switched to 7-1/2 & 91/2 SC or FIA wheels in order to fill out the rear fenders on the wide-hip models. Next, I had to go with something smaller in a tire in the rear so I can fit 2-1/2 inch tail pipes back there (ERA only uses 2 inch) which I wasn't willing to compromise on. A 255/60-15 tire came closest to fitting the bill and being tall enough to fill the wheel well. It was a little marginal in size for a 9-1/2 inch wheel but I like how it worked out. In picking a front tire I again wanted something fairly tall and the 60 series sizes just didn't size up like I wanted, so I went with a 215/70 tire that fits on a 7-1/2 wheel marginally about the same as the rear tires - giving real similar sidewall appearance. BUT - it's a 26.9 inch tall tire (virtually the same as rear) and about 1/2 inch larger than ERA recommends. Thus - I was watching for tire rub on the fender lip at the rear and sure enough on the driver side there is a little bit.
ERAStreet went with a different approach and he has a beautful car that is the wide-hip Street Roadster + day 0 with his Sunburst wheels all around. But, I wanted to fill the rear wheel wells with a little more tire and have big exhaust.
So, there - any of you future Street Roadster builders - are two general approaches.