man you just gotta have sh-t loads of bandaids !
Blood's a real pain in the butt-it make everything rust like you wouldn't believe
Seriously though I have 2 dry powder extinguishers- 1 at each end of the shed just in case & I reckon a fire blanket wouldn't go astray either.
Quite a while ago I was working on a cab over van and had the cap & rotor off the dizzy, mean while the apprentice was changing the fuel filter and had one end of the fuel line stuck up in the air out of the way. I just changed the points and condenser, so without thinking or looking I turned the engine over to adjust points dwell-fuel line aimed its squirt straight at the dizzy and up it went-just like that ! A moments in-attention & being in a hurry, not checking etc very nearly had a major drama with a customers car-all was well except for singed eyebrows and a slightly burnt fuel line and insulation mat under dash-very very lucky.
Taught me a good lesson though-keep extinguisher handy and check to make sure ALL is clear before hitting the switch