Originally Posted by T.L.
my Dad's place, where he has restored a few cars over the years has a sprinkler system in the roof, and 3 fire extinguishers located around the place.
When he built the house he put in the sprinkler system throughout the garage area, and also in the attic, as a few fires start there. Never had to use it but it's great knowing that it's there ready to douse any fire that should while the house is unattended.
At work we have an amazing amount of deluge sprinklers...they will drown you....literally. To save damage to equipment when being tested they tape plastic tubes over the spray nozzles to direct the water to the floor. These tubes are simple clear plastic 'flat' sheet in a tube form. They throw them away after the test so they wouldn't be too expensive. I'm just suggesting that you might like to test the system every once in a while to confirm the integrity of your system.