Looking at my components brochure, it looks like almost everything can be had from other sources.
I do know of a guy that had a dash. I can check with him and see if he still has it.
The kick panel covers you might have to make. Should not be that hard. All they do is cover the cowl bar.
There is a source for the license plate bracket and light assembly. There is also a source for the complete headlight assembly.
Everything else you can find without looking too hard.
Headlight info:
Headlight for a CR is from SLC Lighting International - 1-800-938-0120. It is (K-D Lamp) part number 499-102318I for $74.35.. That includes the bucket, chrome bezel, 24" wire and a 6015 headlight.
License plate info.
Yes it is from a trailer. You just have to turn the bracket around I think.