Originally Posted by Merv and Sharon
The Mr Cotton or Noosa hill climb tracks could be booked maybe?
Hi Merv, I don't have any real insight into these particular venues except that I think Noosa is pretty much a 1 off event. I think in November?? Mt Cotton is a purpose built track but I'm not sure as to its availability for club use.
I'd be thinking that perhaps a gymkana event might be organisable in a dedicated area like what used to happen in Broadwater carpark on the GC against the Corvette Club many moons ago. It was a regular yearly super fun day around Indy but it hasn't happened again since about 2009 or so?
Not sure the reasons it ceased but that carpark is gone so perhaps thats part of the reason why?
If we ran an event of sorts in Brisbane would you and the members of the Sunny Coast Chapter to participate?