I think I will be getting a reputation soon ans the Mopar collector.
Picked up another Charger on Saturday.
Jordies Chug pictures by cobraboxhead - Photobucket
Then spent Sunday collecting pasrt from another guy who is moving to Vic, he rang me up and said "come grab what you want before it goes to scrappie"
John is a great guy and I know he would never take money so I bought him a couple of cartons of Jack Daniels and cola cans.
He also had a heap of brochures he was going to toss in the bin.
They are Charger front seat, and teh glass is part of teh full set that is green tinted (factory air con) from a Valiant station Wagon, so will end up in George when he gets repainted.
A couple of sets of Charger rear seats.
A box full of Distributers, including an older style Mallory twin point.
Johns Parts pictures by cobraboxhead - Photobucket
I still have engine parts to pick up this week.
Cruising in 5th
Never be afraid to do something new, Remember, Amateurs built the Ark: Professionals built the Titanic.