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Old 05-22-2012, 10:22 AM
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Default Model year plates

I have always wondered about using Model Year plates legally. The way I read the documentation it seems fairly straight forward. You should complete the Antique or Classic form. When you sign either of these forms you are stating that the car (the frame, body and motor) is at least 25 years old. (Don't want to hi-jack this thread, Always be curious.)

Model Year Plates
Have the original, model year plates for a vehicle? As long as they're Texas-issued, have the proper color, and are in a usable condition, you may apply to use them by completing either the classic or the antique vehicle form, whichever fits the situation.

Bring the form and plates with you to your county tax office, where the plates will be inspected for suitability of use.

It costs $10 annually to display the plates, although local extra fees may be added.
Texas License Plates & Placards Information at The Unofficial DMV Guide

Originally Posted by elmariachi View Post
I had been recalling from memory on the new rules, but here they are:

Registration and Title Bulletin - #004-12

See attachment and section on "Custom Vehicle." As I read it if you want to pursue registering this as a 1965 car, the brand on your title will be REPLICA, not Ford or ERA. These are the rules the local county tag office will follow if you take that path. It also explains what happens if you go the ASVE route and want to convert later. Notice that as Sammy said earlier a pencil tracing suffices rather than going through the form VTR-68A process and inspection.

Also see item 18 on the attachment. Personally I would rather have an ASVE title, which lays in a drawer than no one sees and my original 1966 black plates that makes the car look vintage, than have a 1965 title laying in a drawer that no one sees and says REPLICA anyway, and have to run those those doofy looking plates that say "Custom Vehicle."


p.s. Screw all this titling crap and get over here and take me for a ride in that bad boy.
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