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Old 05-30-2012, 12:12 PM
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Originally Posted by elmariachi View Post
This ain't rocket science. If you want to rip off GY's logo to make Cobra race tire ownership neat and easy, you don't need to know the "font." Get some 3" wide heavy duty masking tape and tape the letters, cut them with an exacto knife and then peel them away and stick them on a solid piece of paper. Then scan them in, touch them up and your rip-off is complete.
Let's review, so seeking and using an alternative to painting the GY letters is, in fact, ripping off GY? Are you thinking that my actions will cause GY to sell less tires? You really need to get a grip. Is it not a fact that since I purchased the tires I can do whatever I want to them, including painting Firestone on them, etc. (not that I would)?

Also, you over the top uppity attitude and input is noted and hopefully complete.
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