I certainly will give a detailed report on my IDA experiences after my trip up to the Glen. I will keep a log of fuel stops and mileage along with any applicable notes for the outbound and return trips much like the chart I posted for my IDF's. Jim Inglese is to be with the Cobra Automotive booth, so I'll get with him and get his butt dyno impressions and see if he feels there's a need for fine tuning. I know he said he wanted to see the car, so hopefully there will be some opportunity for that sometime during the frenzied three days.
Thanks so much for your comments. I can certainly tell you that your car was one that provided inspiration in my early days of dreaming...I remember seeing it on ERA's customer cars page for the FIA and being quite impressed.

As far as the IDA vs IDF reasoning, it was sort of one thing leading into another that ended in me just surrendering to my true desire for a "period" looking competition induction set-up. IDA's are what trips my trigger. When I bought the car from the previous owner, it had 44 IDF's on top of the 347. Jim advised that these were sort of small for the engine's displacement after I contacted him with some results of a drag run I performed recently where the engine just seemed to fall flat in the upper rev ranges outside of third gear.. so the thought was just move up to 48 IDF's, but I really wanted to go all the way..which is what I did after finding a buyer for my IDF system. The engine looks better and breaths better, with the former just being personal preference and the latter being fact.

But you can decide on the old vs new for yourself:
I would image several people did notice, but I'm sure you've run into this were the majority of the population just doesn't recognize it or know what it is in the first place...just an old looking car to some....and that's 100% fine with me. I did take a few fellow gearheads out at lunchtime and give them the 5 cent tour.
- Allen.